Just Future hosts #ReclaimArmisticeDay vigil in Oklahoma City

Rena Guay and James Branum hosted what you might call an online vigil on Nov. 11 as part of Veterans for Peace’s campaign to Reclaim Armistice Day. Here’s the video:



The webcast originally aired live Nov. 11, 11AM CST and was sponsored by Just Future and Objector Church. Using music, poetry and other readings we commemorated a day originally set aside after WWI to work for peace, but which has morphed into what is tantamount to a glorification of war. We shared information about conscientious objection, GI resistance, and counter recruitment, referencing several organizations working on those issues.

Objector Church: http:/objector.church
Military Recruiting Truth: www.militaryrecruitingtruth.us

Veterans for Peace: https://veteransforpeace.org
About Face: https://aboutfaceveterans.org/
Center on Conscience and War: https://centeronconscience.org
GI Rights Hotline: https://girightshotline.org
World Beyond War: https://worldbeyondwar.org/
War Resisters League: https://www.warresisters.org/
National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth: http://nnomy.org/